
Know-how and do-how go hand in hand

The automotive sector is an innovative and dynamic industry, in which complex software solutions are becoming increasingly important. Komplexe Software-Lösungen spielen dabei eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Development of these solutions requires special competences, because it is necessary to achieve high quality cost-effectively and on time.


Our business:
Automotive Embedded Software

Complex challenges can be overcome only with knowledge and skill. As experts for automotive embedded software we combine both of these and view the development process from all relevant perspectives. Based on your requirements we bundle our experience in the performance areas of Development, Consultation, Safety and Security. You can therefore rely on solutions that are theoretically sound and perfect in terms of technical execution.


Development projects require both detail and overall knowledge. As consultants, we make our knowledge productive for our customers.

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You have a goal: outstanding software solutions. We provide effective and efficient assistance in all relevant phases to help you achieve that goal.

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Automotive software has to function reliably. Our competence and high quality standards ensure that it does.

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Automotive software has to be prepared for external threats. Our competence, risk consciousness and high quality standards ensure that it does.

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About us

Quality createsconfidence


F+S Fleckner und Simon Informationstechnik GmbH is an independent service provider for automotive embedded software – with mutually complementary services: we develop software modules for complex technical systems or individual tools to simplify development. We consult our customers to create efficient development processes. We consult our customers to create efficient development processes.

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